About Me

My most recent CV (January, 2022) is: here.

A front page feature article about me in our local paper (Summer, 2022) is: here

I received my Ph.D. in mathematics from the University of Arizona in 1983. I was a professor of mathematics at Ohio University from 1983 to 1998, getting tenure in 1989.  I was a whistleblower there (very long story) and the university bought out my tenure in 1998.

When I left OU, I found a position as “Visiting Associate Professor of Computer Science” at UC Santa Barbara. Later, this position turned into a full-time teaching (Lecturer) position and once again I got the equivalent of tenure (in 2006). I was at UCSB from 1999 to 2009.

I am the only person I have ever known who willingly gave up a tenured position twice, with all the freedom, security and support that academia provides.  I loved working at UCSB. Being in the company of Nobel laureates was humbling and made me proud. But, my love of casino games was pulling me in a different direction. Leaving UCSB turned out to be the right choice.

From 2005 to my retirement in 2017, I was a consultant to the casino industry.  My skills in mathematics, computer science and casino games made me uniquely qualified to do a large spectrum of work for the industry.

When I left UCSB in 2009, my consulting became full-time.  As a consultant, I was known for burning bridges, a person to be either loved or despised but one who always told the truth. I had very strong opinions and I backed all of them up with my own independent research and analysis.  I received a lifetime achievement award at the World Game Protection Conference in February, 2022. 

Since my retirement I have volunteered quite a bit. Here is a sample:

  • Planned Parenthood Book Sale
  • Santa Barbara Film Festival
  • Santa Barbara Opera (supernumerary in several operas)
  • Santa Barbara Zoo (elephant docent)
  • TV Santa Barbara (producing, directing, camera, set-up)
  • VIP (Volunteers in Police)
  • Wildlife Care Network (pelicans!)

In March, 2000, I started writing, Tweeting and making videos about climate change and the meta-crisis. Somehow that became a much larger part of my life than I expected.